An additional step during the ARM program is the incorporation of Surveys to collect quantitative data about workers’ experiences.
The Baseline Survey can be used at the beginning of the program to capture as many workers’ voices as possible and give you numbers on how many people are affected. The interactive talks give you story and the survey gives you the supporting numbers. The Follow Up Survey can be used at the end of the program to evaluate workers’ reactions to policy, program, or practice changes implemented.
The use of the Baseline and Followup Survey are recommended but optional. There are many benefits of using the surveys:
- More worker feedback leads to more effective and sustainable changes
- Quick way to hear from workers at any time
- Customizable to monitor the success of Action Plans and other changes
Both surveys can be edited to fit the needs of your company. While it is recommended the surveys be given during Step 2 and Step 4 of the ARM program, they can be used anytime to collect quantitative data from your workers.
Baseline Survey
It is recommended that the Baseline Survey is given before the Interactive Talks. Remind workers that this survey is anonymous, and all responses help management improve workings conditions. This survey can be given out however you determine it, whether on paper during work hours or online.
Followup Survey
A modification of the survey can be given after the Interactive Talks and implementation of your Action Plans. The Baseline Survey questions are repeated to observe an overall change in workers’ experiences.
Section 1 of the survey is customizable, based on your Action Plans and what changes to policies, programs, or practices you made.